PATRICIA ALLISON is returning to the role of Ola in the upcoming second season of Netflix’s acclaimed comedy-drama Sex Education. With the first season’s cliffhanger moment, fans were offered a glimpse into what to expect in the second season as Otis (played by Asa Butterfield) and Ola’s relationship grows. We caught up with Patricia Allison to see what the actress could spill about the new season whilst having a reflective chat on her career.
AC: What can audiences expect from the new season of Netflix’s Sex Education?
PATRICIA ALLISON: Strong women and gripping storylines.
Can you give us any teasers on what might be in store for Ola?
She goes on a journey of self-discovery which is aided by the friendship of Lily. We get to explore Otis and Ola’s relationship further and witness the family dynamic.
Can you recall any funny moments from on-set filming?
Filming scenes that involve Jean and Jacob, Ola and Ottis are always so funny and embarrassing.
Do you have a favourite line of dialogue from the new season?
Yes, “think of something that makes you really angry, and smash it as hard as you can.”
Were there any particular challenges that came with the role?
Portraying the extreme changes that she goes through, with truth.

What has it been like filming in Wales?
Great, Wales is so beautiful and the people are lush!
Who is your favourite person to share a scene with on the show?
Tanya Reynolds, who plays Lily.
Do you have any Netflix binge tips for those who want to watch the show?
Try and savour every moment.
As an actor, what are you still trying to learn?
How to portray characters that are quite removed from myself.
How can you tell when you’re reading a great script?
I normally know within the first few pages, if a story grips me and I can see the character, I’m sold.
When did you begin to see acting as a potential career avenue?
When I got into drama school.

How important is social media to you right now?
It’s an important tool to help me with my platform, although it all comes with balance.
What do you want the world to look like in 10 years?
Plastic-free, more trees, and hopefully electric planes! I hope we can save our planet for future generations.
Everyone seems to have an app idea at the moment, what’s yours?
I would have an app that helps you with agriculture depending on the different phases of the moon; also which trees you could plant where.
If you had the chance to put something on billboards worldwide next week, what would it be? Or what would it say?
We can’t eat money.
What can you tell us about your upcoming projects?
I’m writing more and I’m looking to start producing my own shorts.
Aside from your upcoming projects, is there one thing you’re particularly excited about for the future?
Travelling with my work and seeing more of the world.